2023: a year to remember   The year that is just about to end has been full of new projects, experiences, contacts. All of them has made us grown as well as giving us great satisfaction. 2023: a year is ending. Thus, we like to make an assessment before saying it goodbye and enthusiastically welcoming what is to come.   Suppliers Day: a great event A foreign client, leader in the recycling machinery production sector, celebrated with the Suppliers Day

FONDI POR FESR – Linea intervento 2.3

FONDI POR FESR-Linea intervento 2.3 La DIERRE SRL, con questo progetto, per fronteggiare l’emergenza che la pandemia da COVID-19 ha generato si pone l’obiettivo di sostenere il recupero della capacità produttiva, della competitività aziendale e lo sviluppo della propria capacità commerciale, utilizzando strumenti e tecnologie finalizzate da un lato a preservare la sicurezza dei lavoratori – in quella che continua ad essere un’emergenza – dall’altro alla digitalizzazione delle attività orientandole a soluzioni e-commerce/vendita on line con specifica applicazione ai modelli d’impresa


We are glad to inform you that our new Inlet and outlet CNC grinding machine LIZZINI WALLRAM IG-FXL ø 420×1200 mm is now fully operational. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a quotation. We will be pleased to introduce you to the potential of our grinding department.   VIDEO LIZZINI CNC GRINDING MACHINE

Smart working

Dierre Srl è beneficiaria del sostegno finanziario del Programma Operativo del Fondo Sociale Europeo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia in relazione al programma PS 101/2020 – “Sostenere l’adozione di modelli innovativi di organizzazione del lavoro attraverso lo sviluppo di piani aziendali e l’adozione di adeguata strumentazione informatica per adottare strumenti di lavoro agile ovvero di smart working. Emergenza da COVID- 19”.


From 23rd to 25th November Dierre will take part to MECSPE in Bologna, the reference fair for the manufacturing industry. We look forward to meeting you at Hall 25, Aisle A, Stand 73.

Hannover 2021

Dierre will take part to the Digital Edition of the Hannover Messe 2021 from 12 th to 16 th April, a unique occasion to meet up, exchange ideas and create new synergies. We look forward to sharing with you the latest news regarding our production range and machine park. Contact us to request your ticket for the event!


From 28th to 30th March Dierre will take part to MECSPE in Parma, the reference fair for the manufacturing industry. We look forward to meeting you at Hall 7 Stand D59.


Our company will take part to the Hannover Messe 2019 from 1st to 5th April. We look forward to your visit on our stand G11, Hall 4.


Our company will take part to the Hannover Messe 2018 from 23rd to 27th April. We will be glad to welcome you on our stand G04, Hall 4. We look forward to your visit!